Site of the former World Trade Centre Twin Towers
- Ground Zero

Two of the surviving buildings bordering the former site of the Twin Towers were draped in black heavy netting
looking like monolithic head stones
. The metal fencing surrounds the entire block and is seriously secure obviously to
ward off souvenir hunters and for general safety.
A nearby church has its peripheral fencing covered in tributes to the lost. Sadly, many
"memorabilia" vendors of
extremely tacky nature line most of the streets leading to the site. The worst possible example of bad taste must
be the "Ground Zero" baseball cap.....where or when anyone
could wear this and not be embarrassed with
themselves is all that comes to mind at the time.
There were thousands, "pilgrims", visiting the site, most with saddened expressions, some unbelievably taking
"happy snaps" of themselves in front of the site...smiling...perhaps the target market of those baseball caps?

image © lee-anne raymond

The Law District.
Surprisingly displays of patriotism is no more than you might normally expect within a city that suffered such a
disasterous event. Though we were told that in other parts of the United States, in perhaps less cosmopolitan
areas and arena, the temperment is such that to not display an American flag bumper sticker "means" something
sinister. Perhaps most remarkable is the openess and friendship that New Yorkers display to each other and
to visitors, they don't seem to realise they are quite generous and friendly people.

image © lee-anne raymond