Buckingham Fountain

This fountain seems to glow within its surrounds. Bounded by Lake Shore & St Columbus Drs' it substantially
fills the area between both roadways. Magnificently enormous yet still delicate due to its intricate water sprays and
sensitive sculptures. Modeled after the Bassin de Latone fountain at Versailles it was gifted to Chicago by Kate
Sturges Buckingham in memory of her dear (obviously very dear) brother Clarence. She even made sure to provide for its
ongoing maintenance. The day we went to view the fountain seemed made for it, and showed it off to perfection. It is,
apparently, quite a sight to behold at night when coloured lights brings another moody dimension to the
whole viewing experience.

Buckingham Fountain looking back toward Michigan Ave.
image © lee-anne raymond

image © lee-anne raymond

image © lee-anne raymond